FMNH 221686.A-.L

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    Scanner: Marissa Rivera : Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology
    Transcriber: Julia W. Kennedy : Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology Collections
    (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
    Description: scan of catalog card [FRONT] [MAIN BODY] Field Museum of Natural History- Ethnology | 22-53 | Provenience: Ivory Coast: prob northwestern region | People or Culture: undetermined: prob. Dan or Wobé | Object: mask | Material: wood; hair; bovine tail (?) and human, iron, brass; cloth; fiber; feathers, bagworm cocoons, etc. | Description: A- frontal mask representing the head of a broad-muzzled beast with K-L pig tusks and tubular eyes painted red at their ends; the face is covered by long animal hair and ringed by a rank of carved wooden teeth on a cloth bolster under which is a ring of human hair; the top of the mask is covered by an arrangement of diverse objects: 5 brass pellet bells; 1 iron pellet bell; duiker horns; 1 brass ring (over) | Dimensions: (in cm.) | Collection: Purchased from Mrs. Susan Vogel October 16, 1969. [LEFT MARGIN] A | ENT | 221686 A-L | Field No. | Neg. No. A31 | Acc. 3080 [BACK] framing a bouquet of small feathers; 1 miniature axe; cartridge cases; wooden fangs, one small cloth sack; 1 container of looped string; most of these are covered with a whitish substance. | 26 duiker horns | 10 bagworm cocoons | 16 cartridge cases | 84 wooden fangs | B-F 5 brass pellet bells | G-H 2 iron pellet bell | I- 1 miniature axe | 1 small cloth sack | 1 container of looped string | J- 1 brass ring [PHOTOGRAPH]
Catalog Number: 221686.A-.L
Description: mask
Materials: wood, hair, animal tail; bovine, metal; iron, metal; brass, cloth, fiber, feather, cocoon
Cultural Attribution: Dan or Wohe
Accession Number: [3080] S. Vogel (Purchase)
Accession Year:
Collector/Source: Susan Vogel, Susan Vogel
EMu IRN: 1127841
GUID: 6726a836-2505-40e4-ab62-1aefab85365b

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